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勾引 户外 李建祥(副主任)

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2014/8-2014/12, 日本广岛大学,原爆辐射線医科学究诘所,番邦东谈主究诘员。

2013/4-2014/3, 日本广岛大学,原爆辐射線医科学究诘所,番邦东谈主究诘员。







1.    烟草与氡致肺癌机理究诘。

2.    辐射线损害效应与防护究诘。

3.    药物、化学品、医疗器械、化妆品和食物安全性评价和风险评估。















1.Xiaju Cheng, Xin Tian, Anqing Wu, Jianxiang Li(Corresponding author), Jian Tian, Yu Chong, Zhifang Chai,Yuliang Zhao, Chunying Chen, and Cuicui Ge. Protein Corona Influences Cellular Uptake of Gold Nanoparticles by Phagocytic and Nonphagocytic Cells in a Size-Dependent Manner. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 20568−20575. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b04290.

2.Jie Zhang, Dingwen Jiang, Ying He, Wei Chen, Qingrong Wang,  Xianrong Shen, Jianxiang LI(Corresponding author). Screening and Optimization of the Extraction Technology for Ganoderma Capsule. Medicinal Plant. 2014; 5(5):49-52.

3.Feng-Mei Cui, Jian-xiang Li(Co-first author), Qiu Chen, Houbing Du, Shu-Yu Zhang,Jihua Nie,Jian-Ping Cao,Ping-kun Zhou,Tom K. Hei,Jian Tong. Radon-induced Alterations in micro-RNA expression profiles in transformed BEAS2B Cells. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 76(2): 107-119,2013.

4.Houbing Du, Jing Sun, Zhihai Chen, Jihua Nie, Jian Tong, Jianxiang Li. Cigarette Smoke-Induced Failure of Apoptosis Resulting in Enhanced Neoplastic Transformation in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. J Toxicol Environ Health A.75(12): 707-720,2012.

5.Jianxiang Li,Rui Chen,Chunling Fu,JihuaNie and Jian Tong. Screening of Differential Expressive Genes in Murine Cells Following Radon Exposure. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A.73:499-506,2010.

6.Jianxiang Li, Chunling Fu, Rui Chen, Jing Sun Jihua Nie and Jian Tong. Screening of Differential Expression Genes in bone marrow Cells of Radon-Exposed Mice. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 2007; 70(11) Part A: 964-969.

7.黄欢欢,纪雅慧,张佳玉,李建祥. 烟草烟雾致BEAS-2B细胞恶性转机历程中基因组与PTPRM的DNA甲基化更动[EB/OL].北京:中国科技论文在线 [2017-02-28]. 201702-18

8.苏志刚,刘玉萍,韦晔,纪雅慧,刘明星,黄欢欢,葛翠翠,李建祥. 烟草烟雾料理对BEAS-2B细胞FHIT基因甲基化过头mRNA抒发的影响. 毒理学杂志. 2016;30(1):22-26。

9.纪雅慧,韦晔,刘玉萍,刘明星,苏志刚,黄欢欢,李建祥(通信作家). DNMTs在长久氡线路致BEAS-2B细胞恶性转机历程中的作用. 毒理学杂志. 2015;29(2):90-94.

10.朱正保,姜婷婷,仇静,张佳玉,张蒙,李建祥. 被迫抽烟与女性冠心病关系的meta分析. 作事与健康. 2014;30(22):3254-3256.

11.张洁,蒋定文,何颖,陈伟,王庆蓉,沈先荣,李建祥. 灵芝胶囊索求工艺筛选与优化. 中国新药杂志. 2013; 22(16):1948-51.

12.韦晔,刘玉萍,吴周伟,吕雪,朱正保,童建,李建祥. 体外染氡对V79细胞凋一火影响过头机制究诘. 扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 33(3), 13-16,2012.

13.刘玉萍,韦晔,纪雅慧,范维林,童建,李建祥. 小动物CO2安乐死安设的应用究诘. 医学动物防制. 2013;29 (2):119-122.

14.朱胜男,顾秀玲,宋廉,童建,李建祥. 短期禁食消弱小鼠辐射性损害的作用.苏州大学学报(医学版),32(1): 40-44,2012.

15.杜厚兵,童建,聂继华,张素萍,吴昭昭,刘海云,李建祥. 烟草烟雾诱发BEAS-2B细胞体外恶性转机的究诘. 毒理学杂志,25(1):17-21,2011.

16. 杜厚兵,童建,聂继华,刘海云,张素萍,吴昭昭,李建祥. 氡与烟草烟雾染毒诱发BEAS-2B细胞的体外转机. 中华辐射医学与防护杂志.30(6):634-638,2010.

17.主编:李芝兰,李建祥,曹毅. 专著《内分泌毒理学》北京:北京大学医学出书社,2011.8.  ISBN: 978-7-5659-0230-7。

18.主编:李建祥,宋玉果,栗建林. 专著《血液毒理学》,北京:北京大学医学出书社,2011.8. ISBN: 978-7-5659-0230-7.

19.发明专利:李建祥, 一种β射线定量皮肤辐照执行安设,201510661697.1

20.李建祥,童建,细胞氡气聚首一氧化碳线路染毒执行安设,实用新式, 授权日:2012.01.04,中国,专利号:ZL201120108284.8.




承担了多门课程的教会执行任务:1.卫生毒理学 防御医学专科 本科生;2. 医学史, 本科生;3. 毒物闲谈 本科公选课;4. 药物毒理学 药学院本科生;5. 高档毒理学 防御医学 本科生;6. 分子毒理学 防御医学 究诘生;7. 课本《执动作物与比拟医学基础教程》 主编:周正宇,薛机灵,邵义祥。李建祥参编,苏州:苏州大学出书社,2012.6。ISBN: 978-7-81137-652-4。8. 宇宙高等学校双语课本《毒理学基础》第2版,编写,黄吉武,童建主编. 北京:东谈主民卫生出书社,2016.5  ISBN: 978-7-117-22049-1. 参编。9. 宇宙高等学校课本《临床毒理学》(案例版)编写,姜岳明,赵劲民,李超乾主编. 北京:东谈主民卫生出书社,2016.8  ISBN: 978-7-117-22965-4.




 办公室电话:0512-65881038    电子邮箱:aljxcr@suda.edu.cn

DATE: Oct, 2017

Jianxiang Li(Richard Li), MD, PhD,   aljxcr@suda.edu.cn,      

Vice Director,  Dept. of Health Toxicology, School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University.

Director,      Dept. of New Drug Safety Evaluation & Research, School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University.

Union leader, School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University.


   1985—1990:  Bachelor student (Clinic Medicine),    Suzhou Medical College

   1990—1993:  MD student (Radiation Medicine)      Suzhou Medical College

   2003—2007:  PhD student (Radiation Medicine-Toxicology) Soochow University


2009—present: Vice Director, Dept. of Health Toxicology, School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University.

2014.8.15-2014.12.14  Visiting Research Scholar, Professor, Research Institute For Radiation and Medicine, Hiroshima University.

2013.4.1-2014.3.31 Visiting Research Scholar, Professor, Research Institute For Radiation and Medicine, Hiroshima University.

2009—2011:  Vice Director, Dept. of Health Toxicology, School of Radiation Medicine and Public Health, Soochow University.

2006—2012: Vice Director, Chemical Safety Evaluation & Research Center, Institute of Radiation Medicine, Soochow University.

2003—2004: Fellowship Training (Supported by IAEA), CEA, Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire in France; Paris, France.

1996—2003: Lecturer,  Department of Health Toxicology, School of Radiation Medicine & Public Health, Soochow University.  Suzhou, China.

1996—2000: Lecturer, Department of Occupational Disease, Suzhou Medical College. Suzhou, China.

1993—1996: Assistant professor, Department of Occupational Disease, Suzhou Medical College.  Suzhou, China.


1.Jianxiang Li, Chunling Fu, Rui Chen, Jing Sun Jihua Nie and Jian Tong. Screening of Differential Expression Genes in bone marrow Cells of Radon-Exposed Mice. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health  2007; 70(11) Part A: 964-969.

2.Xu NY, Zhang SP, Nie JH, Li JX, Tong J. Radon-induced proteomic profile of lung tissue in rats. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2008;71(6):361-6.

3.Jianxiang Li, Fu Chun-ling, Rui Chen, et al. Construction and identification of subtracted cDNA library in bone marrow cells of radon-exposed mice. Chin J Radiol Med Prot, 2008; 28(1):21-23.

4.Suping Zhang, Naiyu Xu, JiHua Nie, Liang Dong, JianXiang Li, Jian Tong. Proteomic alteration in lung tissue of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. Toxicology Letters. 2008,178:191-196

5.Liu Hai-yun, Zhang Su-ping, Tong Jian, Li Jian-xiang(Corresponding author). Effect of Tobacco smoke on proliferation and apoptosis of V79 cells In vitro. Suzhou university J of med sci. 2009;29(1):11-13.

6.Liu Hai-yun, Tong Jian, Li Jian-xiang(Corresponding author). Differences in oxidative damage and gene mutation between smoking and radon-induced lung cancer. J environ occup med. 2009;26(4):405-408.

7.Chen Rui, Li Jian-xiang, Nie ji-hua, Shi Min-hua, Hu Hua-cheng, Tong Jian. Construction and identification of differential expression genes of peripheral blood cells in radon-exposed mice. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. 2009;29(1):17-19.

8.Li Jianxiang,Chen Rui,Fu ChunLing,Nie Jihua,Tong Jian. Screening of Differential Expressive Genes in Murine Cells Following Radon Exposure. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2010; 73(7):499-506

9.Du Hou-bing, Tong Jian, Nie ji-hua, Liu Hai-yun, Zhang Su-ping, Wu Zhao-zhao, Li Jian-xiang(Corresponding author). In vitro transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells BEAS-2B induced by radon and cigarette smoke. Chin J Radiol Med Prot. 2010;30(6):634-638.

10.Du Hou-bing, Tong Jian, Nie ji-hua, Zhang Su-ping, Wu Zhao-zhao, Liu Hai-yun, Li Jian-xiang(Corresponding author). Study on malignant transformation of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells BEAS-2B induced by cigarette smoke in vitro. J Toxico. 2011;25(1):17-21.

11.Zhu Sheng-nan, Gu xiu-ling, Song lian, Tong Jian, Li Jian-xiang (Corresponding author). Short-term Fasting Protects Mice against γ ray Radiation. Journal of Soochow University Medical Science Edition. 2012; 32(1):40-44.

12.Houbing Du, Jing Sun, Zhihai Chen, Jihua Nie, Jian Tong, Jianxiang Li(Corresponding author). Cigarette Smoke-induced Failure of Apoptosis Resulting in Enhanced Neoplastic Transformation in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A. 2012; 75(12): 707-720.

13.Wei Ye, Liu Yuping, Wu Zhouwei, Lu Xue, Zhu Zhengbao, Tong Jian, Li Jianxiang(Corresponding author). Journal of Yangzhou University (Agricultural and life science edition). Effects and mechanisms of Radon exposure on apoptosis of V79 cells in vitro. 2012; 33(3):1-4.

14.Feng-Mei Cui, Jian-xiang Li(Co-first author), Qiu Chen, Houbing Du, Shu-Yu Zhang,  Jihua Nie, Jian-Ping Cao, Ping-kun Zhou, Tom K. Hei, Jian Tong. Radon-induced Alterations in micro-RNA expression profiles in transformed BEAS2B Cells. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2013;76(2): 107-119.

15.ZHANG Jie, JIANG Ding-wen, SHEN Xian-rong,HE Ying,CHEN Wei, WANG Qing-rong, LI Jian-xiang(Corresponding author). Screening and Optimization of the Extraction Technology for Ganoderma Capsule. Chinese Journal of new drugs. 2013; 22(16): 67-70.

16.Jie ZHANG, Dingwen JIANG, Ying HE, Wei CHEN, Qingrong WANG,  Xianrong SHEN, Jianxiang LI(Corresponding author). Screening and Optimization of the Extraction Technology for Ganoderma Capsule. Medicinal Plant. 2014; 5(5):49-52.

17.Fengmei Cui, Ming Li, Yuejin Chen, Yuming Liu, Yin He, Dingwen Jiang, Jian Tong, Jianxiang Li(Corresponding author), Xianrong Shen. Protective Effects of Polysaccharides from Sipunculus nudus on Beagle Dogs Exposed to γ-Radiation. PLoS One. 2014;9(8):e104299,1-10. (doi:10.1371/journal. pone. 0104299. eCollection 2014. PMID:25093861).

18.Xiaju Cheng, Xin Tian, Anqing Wu, Jianxiang LI(Corresponding author), Jian Tian, Yu Chong, Zhifang Chai,Yuliang Zhao, Chunying Chen, and Cuicui Ge. Protein Corona Influences Cellular Uptake of Gold Nanoparticles by Phagocytic and Nonphagocytic Cells in a Size-Dependent Manner. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7, 20568−20575. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.5b04290.


1.Jian-xiang Li, yu-guo song, jian-lin Li. Haematotoxicology. Peking university medical press.  2011.8. ISBN: 978-7-5659-0230-7.

2.Zhilan Li, Jian-xiang Li, Yi cao. Endocrine Toxicology. Peking university medical press.  2016.6. ISBN: 978-7-5659-1332-7.

Main Research Project:

1.Project of  National Natural Science Funding (No. 81573178)” Changes of DNA methylation and histone modification related to apoptosis escape in the process of smoking caused lung cancer”. 2016.1-2019.12. Project leader.

2.Project of  National Natural Science Funding (No. 81172707)” Comparative Study on relative genes and epigenetics of cigarette-smoke and Radon exposure”. 2012.1-2015.12. Project leader.

3.Project of  Jiangsu Province Natural Science Funding (No. BK2012618)” Study on relative genes and epigenetics of cigarette-smoke and Radon exposure”. 2012.6-2015.6. Principal Investigator.

4.Project of  National Natural Science Funding (No. 30671784)” Study of Different Expression on Proteomics of  Cigarette-smoke and Radon Exposure and Screening of early Marker Protein of Lung Cancer. 2007-2009. Main project participant.

5.Project of  National Natural Science Funding (No. 30371226)” Screening and Assessment of Marker Genes for Radon Exposure and Health Impacts” 2004-2006. Main project participant.

Attended International conferences:

1.Ⅺ IUTOX Conference (Montreal)                2007.7.15-19    Canada

2.AsiaTox Conference (Taibei)                          2009.9    Taiwan

3.Ⅻ IUTOX Conference (Barcelona)                 2010.7.19-23   Spain

4.47th EuroTox Conference(Paris)                    2011.8.27-31   France

5.51st SOT Conference(San Francisco)                2012.3.11-15    USA

6.52nd SOT annual Meeting(San Antonio)              2013.3.10-14    USA

7.ⅩⅢ IUTOX Conference (Seoul)                   2010.6.30-7.4   Korea

8.53nd SOT annual Meeting(Phoenix)                  2014.3.23-26    USA

9.54nd SOT annual Meeting(San Diego)                2015.3.22-26    USA

10.55nd SOT annual Meeting(New orleans)              2016.3.13-17     SA


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